Meet The Doctor
Dr. Zaid is a graduate of Texas Chiropractic College and the owner of Oasis Nutrition & Rehab, PLLC. She had previously earned a B.S. degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Houston with a double minor in English and History. She taught in the public school system for three years before she went back to school to pursue a Doctor of Chiropractic degree.
Once she realized that people who get Chiropractic care feel better faster and don’t have to take medications, she knew this was her calling. Dr. Zaid also holds an Acupuncture Fellowship from the International Academy of Medical Acupuncture.

Mazie Zaid, D.C., F.I.A.M.A.
Her nutritional knowledge and experience of over 14 years have helped numerous patients support health conditions including gastrointestinal, hormonal, and immune-related complaints. She is also certified in the Webster Technique which is a Chiropractic treatment protocol that addresses pain and discomfort in pregnant women. It also helps prepare the expectant mother’s body for the birthing process. She has treated pediatric patients as young as a week old and has seen the fastest results in their healing. Dr. Zaid also offers Spectracell lab testing which addresses vitamin, mineral, amino acid, and metabolic imbalances.
In her spare time, Dr. Zaid enjoys cooking, bike riding, reading, and having coffee with friends.